Austro-Hungarian Empire

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Austro-Hungarian EmpireAustro-Hungarian Empire
  1. During October 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to disintegrate .


  2. A century ago the capital of the Austro-Hungarian empire was a rich cosmopolitan metropolis .


  3. But by 1918 , the Austro-Hungarian empire was gone .


  4. Czechoslovakia from the Austro-Hungarian Empire , after gaining independence , and in this day adopted the first Constitution ( 1920 ) .


  5. Franz Joseph I was a masterful ruler of the Austro-Hungarian empire , but his 86 years brought rigidity when the times called for reform .


  6. Located at the border between the former Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Romanian Principality , the small town of Covasna was an important industrial center for forestry and timber production .


  7. The Hungarian government unified the kingdom by magyarisation of the other nationalities . This lasted until the end of World War I , when the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed .


  8. The law was enacted in 1919 , soon after Czechoslovakia emerged as an independent country . The idea was to promote universal literacy and education after the country was free of the German-speaking Austro-Hungarian Empire .


  9. Vienna has hosted the Habsburg court over centuries , first as the imperial see of the Holy Roman Empire , then the capital of the Austrian Empire and later of the Austro-Hungarian Empire .


  10. The legend claims that while the Archduke Ferdinand , leader of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , was traveling through Sarajevo when a group of assassins had plans to do him in .


  11. But be warned : unless you have a grasp of medieval history , the religious furies unleashed by the reformation and the political roundelays of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , the city might overwhelm you with your own ignorance .


  12. A member of Europe 's royal Habsburg line ( the guys who ruled the Austro-Hungarian Empire ) , Maximilian was just drifting along when , in 1863 , he received a letter telling him the people of Mexico had voted to make him their king .
